Trono para una monja (Throne for a nun)

Title Trono para una monja (Throne for a nun)
Names Barby, Ralph.
Book Number DBG18763
Title Status Active
Medium Digital Books
Annotation La Baronesa ha conseguido la inmortalidad que tanto anhelaba. Pero su dicha se ve truncada por la presencia de una competidora inteligente, atrevida: una monja de la comunidad benedictina. La hermana Tecla Forn, científica de renombre internacional, se inmiscuye en los entresijos de la importate farmacéutica, consiguiendo el amor de Lohengrin y el odio de la Baronesa. Esta es la continuación de la Baronesa, completándose así esta saga vampírica. Unrated. Spanish language. Marrakesh title. GOOGLE VERBATIM TRANSLATION: The Baroness has achieved the immortality she longed for. But her happiness is cut short by the presence of an intelligent, daring competitor: a nun from the Benedictine community. Sister Thecla Forn, an internationally renowned scientist, delves into the ins and outs of the pharmaceutical industry, winning the love of Lohengrin and the hatred of the Baroness. This is the continuation of the Baroness, thus completing this vampire saga.
Narrator Varela Barrio, Elena.
Series La baronesa - 02
Local Subject Spanish Language - SPL
Occult & Supernatural - OCC
Occult Fiction Only - OCF
Foreign Setting - FS
Exclusion - Short Book - SH
Female Narrator - FN
LC Subject Nuns - Fiction
Vampires - Fiction
Barcelona (Spain) - Fiction
Horror fiction
Call Number 863.6 AFI
Original Publication Recorded from: 2023 9788494220449 Séptimo Sello
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